Discover Science - Tidal Lab

Making an immersive educational center to encourage scientific play

Branding ︎ Experiential Design


Discover Science will be an exciting, educational center in Christchurch, Dorset. They aim to become the hub for the regional community.

This case study shows how we created fun brand identity and experience for people visiting the center which encourages education learning through play.

The outcome was an identity and direction that Discover Science Christchurch could consider when choosing their final brand style.
The Team

1x Designer, 1x Illustrator

My Role

As the main designer on this project, my responsibility was to lead the design from initial research to prototyping and user testing, to final branding. I was in collaboration with an illustrator to nail a playful end product.

The Problem

Discover Science, Christchurch require a visual identity for their upcoming interactive educational center.

Their current branding isn’t up to scratch with the audience propose to target and require an identity that motivates people to explore the link between their everyday lives and the environment around them.

Target Users

To provide a focus on this project we had to look at the audience Discover Science were trying to target. Their target were 6-13 year olds as they are the new generation of innovators and wanted to inspire them to go into STEM fields. They also targeted parents and grandparents as they are taking their children/grandchildren for the day out, so it needs to be exciting for them too.

Project Overview

Tidal Lab is a fun, hands on, learn-through-play indoor attraction for all the family.

In this project we created a full brand experience that encourages education through immersion of the science center. We were able to show Discover Science what the new center could look like alonside why we chose to go the route we did.

Outdoor window signage

On display to the immediate public to craft a unique experience before entering the building.

Indoor wayfinding/installation

Graphics on the inside of the center are crucial to creating a truely immersive and memorable experience.

Catchment area graphics

Use of 6-sheet and 48-sheet advertising to show to a larger regional area which attracts more people to the center.

Website redesign

Their old website is outdated, plain, and doesn’t reflect the values that are written.

Social media

Visitors of the center can now keep up to date of what exhibitions are on.


For formal documents that need to be sent out to businesses or customers.

Gift shop merchandise

This allows consumers to take something away and continue to memory of their experience.


We started this project with me facilitating a couple of copywriting workshops in collaboration with my partner. These workshops gave us the copy we needed to revolve around a fun and playful environment that would be able to assist with later imagery and design direction.

Establishing a name for the new discovery center was key in starting as this would outline the direction we would take with imagery.

Tidal Lab was chosen as it reflects the clients coastal theme whilst also saying ‘fun experimentation’.

When testing the copy with stakeholders in discussions, it was determined Tidal Lab is a great name that suggests play, experiments and learning, however we should distance ourselves from the ‘Discover Science’ route as it confuses the two.

Defining direction

We investigated museums and other centers of attraction to gain insights into what made them successful and to see if we could replicate anything with Tidal Lab.

Initial imagery

Following the current market research, I started making digital sketches of a possible directions to explore including geometric shapes and wave patterns.

Sketch Composition

Inspiration for the waves came from Discover Science’s emphasis on Christchurch’s unique ‘double high tide’ alongside being a coastal center.

We also explored the use of local flora and fauna native to Christchurchs coast as inspiration to combine type and image. The reason for this was to create an entirely unique experience from others around the country.

Initial wildlife illustrations

The illustrator I worked with made fun and vibrant sketches that we both felt fit the brand experience more than the geometric shapes and patterns.

Logo creation

We combined the illustrations with the type I made for my original sketches.

Aligning Stakeholders

At this point in the projet we met with the client to get feedback and gain valuable insights with the direction we were taking. Together we took notes on what they had to say and analysed the results.

“Be careful of the imagery and the expectation it creates, we aren’t an aquarium”

“Legibility should be instant, if consumers have to figure out what it says, they’ll get turned off”

Insight 1

There needs to be more imagery associated with science and the local area such as iconic buildings, technology and engineering, our images were fine, just needed more. The style was received very well.

Insight 2

The logo needs to be changed slightly so the letters aren’t covered by the illustrations too much.

Delivering an end product

After meeting with the client, we acted on the insights that we found and developed a wider library of images and rejigged the logo so it had instant legibility.

Developed imagery

We collborated together to create images that were more sgnifying of technology and the local built environment of Christchurch.

All that was left to do after this stage was produce final deliverables and visualisations that could be offloaded and shown to the client how this brand would work.


We believe Discover Science Christchurch were able to use our graphics and share the vision we had for Tidal Labs future. We also matched their core ethos and principles of creating an exciting environment for children to learn through play whilst also being attractive to parents and grandparents too.

Goals Met

1. Produce an identity that motivates 6-13 year olds to be excited about science and related STEM fields

2. Create an immersive brand experience that creates a ‘learn-through-play’ environment for consumers of all ages


Collaboration is essential in initial design ideation.

Being able to collaborate with an illustrator made it very easy to bounce design direction ideas off. To get ideas going quicker, I should start facilitating workshops that are all about fast ideation, 5-minute prompts that disable the ‘faff’ that usually goes into my projects.