Penguin Random House
Book Design
The aim for this cover was to convey the sense of journey Dara takes us on throughout his own personal journey in lockdown.
Diary of a Young Naturalist
Book Design
The aim for this cover was to convey the sense of journey Dara takes us on throughout his own personal journey in lockdown.

Final cover
Creative Conscience
Motion Graphics
Animation and imagery to help address some issues surrounding mental health. The motion graphic features a script written by See me Scotland.
The Power of Okay
Motion Graphics
Animation and imagery to help address some issues surrounding mental health. The motion graphic features a script written by See me Scotland.

Self Initiated
Masthead Design ︎ Zine
Imagery to accompany the short story by Jorge Luis Borges. The short story describes the inifinite possibilities of the universe and it’s creation.
The Library of Babel
Masthead Design ︎ Zine
Imagery to accompany the short story by Jorge Luis Borges. The short story describes the inifinite possibilities of the universe and it’s creation.

The Arts University Bournemouth
Print Design ︎ Digital Poster
Digital and medium format posters that were used in emails and around the university to advertise a first year pop-up exhibition of zines.
95 Zines
Print Design ︎ Digital Poster
Digital and medium format posters that were used in emails and around the university to advertise a first year pop-up exhibition of zines.